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The Cloud On The Horizon: The Adoption of Cloud Content Management in Healthcare

WebPal CMS™ provides our clients with a powerful tool that gives them full control over their web content. Both for developers and marketing professionals, at the enterprise, or as a small business. WebPal CMS is designed for organizations of all sizes who want to benefit from ease-of-use and rapid, de-centralized, authoring and publishing.

WebPal is a managed cloud solution and requires no installation or maintenance on your hosting server. This enables you to fully separate Content Management from your web site and online applications - no IT support required!

Incredible advances in medicine over the last 50 years have provided many of us with the chance to live longer and healthier lives than the generations before us. Progress often creates its own set of challenges though, and coping with additional information and procedures are an unavoidable trade-off. Every new drug treatment brings with it the need to monitor for conflicts with existing medications. Each advancement and use of new medical imaging technology ushers in one more set of scans to examine and include in patient files.

As healthcare becomes more holistic, professionals are required to work across their specialties to develop comprehensive treatments for patients. Effective and efficient care requires a system that permits not just storage of information but also content collaboration on patient files. Faced with limited IT budgets and increasing needs, more hospitals and health care organizations are turning to the cloud to provide them with the storage and content management options they desperately need to keep up with the rising tide of information being generated.

According to a report by Markets and Markets, the market for cloud computing in the healthcare field is projected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate of over 20% between 2012 and 2017. Moving to the cloud is a logical choice for those in the industry because cloud storage for files and cloud content management for people working with patient files is far less expensive and far more efficient to implement than installing a full new server system for each organization.

Concerns about secure document storage and patient privacy prevent many organizations from making the transition into using cloud content servers, despite the many obvious benefits such a transition would hold for them. Secure cloud storage is quite possible, it’s just a question of design. The real obstacle is a lack of confidence. Building that confidence in using the cloud won’t happen overnight, but as we mentioned in last week’s article, The Cloud Is All Around Us, we’re already using cloud storage and cloud content management in many areas of our personal lives successfully. As we travel the road of medical advancement, the cloud on the horizon is increasingly coming into focus.




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