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Dossier special

Customer Experience: „The challenge is not technology, but acceptance.“

Hassen Kirmaci, Area Manager Austria of IT consultants Gartner, had a clear message for the attendees of update’s Management Dialogue event about ”Customer Experience Management“: The greatest stumbling block in the way of driving the concept forward is a senior management lacking the will to step up and own the design of customer experiences. Questioned on which of them had already established a ”Customer Experience“ within their own company structure, only one hand in the audience of managers and CEOs was raised. The reason for this definitely does not lie in any environmental constraints, said the Gartner expert: ”Technology wise, everything is possible.“

According to Gartner studies, Customer Experience Management (CEM) is now on the agenda of around 50 percent of the surveyed top level managers across Europe. Often they start tweaking single touch points like a help desk, which is a good first step. CEM can only become part of company culture when fully embraced instead of being ”shunted“ to single departments such as Marketing or Sales. It is easy to see from CEM pioneers that it pays off: ”Nineteen years ago, Disney started to analyse why people visited their theme parks and how they could ensure their return.“
In order to secure their visitors long-term, the American entertainment enterprise not only collects customer data to send them a birthday voucher but presents them with emotional realtime experiences they will never forget. The results are fantastic, boasting a revisitation rate of 70 percent.

”Get your inspiration from B2C“, was Kirmaci’s final appeal to his mainly B2B crowd. ”By copying from the best in B2C you can rise among the top three companies of your industry within two years.“
A lot of motivation for the audience, especially for Georg Wurzenberger, CEO of energy service provider Energie Steiermark, who already have a Customer Experience Project lined up.




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