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IMC launches online calculator to help organisations determine savings by switching to real time learning support

IMC, a provider for bespoke e-learning content, learning management and compliance solutions, has launched a free online calculator to help organisations assess the financial impact of switching to Electronic Performance Support (EPS).

Learning at work is ongoing: as part of the on-boarding process, new employees are expected to learn about various procedures, programs and software solutions. However, as part of their day-to-day routines, more experienced employees also struggle with rarely performed processes, or with questions about the latest regulatory requirements or reporting tools.

Electronic Performance Support (EPS) is computer-based assistance which improves productivity by providing immediate access to information, advice and learning experiences within the day-to-day workflow. This means that staff are able to get immediate assistance on a process or step within a software application without needing to contact a help desk centre, disturb a colleague or browse on a search engine. This approach also supports the 70:20:10 model where 70% of company learning is accepted to be informal and learnt on the job.

IMC UK Director, Dirk Thissen explains, “EPS is like a GPS system – it needs three elements to work well. A knowledge of where the user is ’geographically’ and within the business process, a knowledge of where the user wants to go and what he or she needs to achieve, and a map of how to get there through the organisation’s information landscape. Our online calculator will help business managers establish the potential savings and develop a rapid business case.”


Dirk Thissen adds, “Software assistance is not something that everyone necessarily thinks of – until you look closer into the financial impact on the business. For an organisation of just 200 employees, there could be immediate savings of 116,022 € per year on the bottom line, which could then be re-invested elsewhere. As an example, if the scenario were applied within a public sector organisation of the same size it would be the equivalent of five extra nurses a year, or four teachers a year. When you multiply those savings across a thousand head count workforce, the impact is vast for any organisation.”

Savings through the use of EPS illustrated:


Workforce headcount using software applications (average salary 50.000 €)

Financial impact and approximate savings for businesses


151,500 €


407,700 €


834,500 €

To access the new online calculator please visit our website or for enquires please e-mail info@im-c.com.


Notes to editor

How does the calculator work?

IMC used www.gartner.com research to set the optimum ratio of employees to helpdesk staff: Optimum employee to helpdesk staff ratios are 45:1 if using more than one IT system, and 70:1 if using only one IT system. The formula then considers how much of the help desk staff members’ time will be spent on assisting colleagues with ‘how to’ queries (estimated to be approximately 40 percent of help desk time according to Gartner research).


Average salary index



For more information please visit us at: www.im-c.com



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