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Adobe Presenter 9.0.2 ushers in Video Analytics

A few months ago, we invited you to say hello to Adobe Presenter 9. We are now excited to announce the availability of Adobe Presenter 9.0.2.

Now, this is more than a patch release. You could already analyse how students consumed the content at the granularity of a slide, with the Learner Dashboard feature introduced in Adobe Presenter 9. This update brings you the power of video analytics, enabling you to create video modules so that you can also analyse how students consume your content and decide if learner intervention is required – something that you will love, if you flip classrooms. When video analytics is enabled, the Learner Dashboard aggregates video content consumption at the granularity of 30 second video segments.

This update introduces a change in the workflow of how you set up analytics and collaboration for learner intervention. Notice the changed icon in the ribbon for Collaboration. Hitting this icon will launch a dialog that will enable you to set up your module for analytics, collaboration or both.

Video modules can be easily created with Adobe Presenter Video Creator – just record a video and publish to Power Point. The video you just recorded will be embedded in a slide. After this, you can create one or more quizzes as you have always done before. If you would like to publish your video module with analytics or collaboration enabled, you can invoke the dialog above and configure the settings as desired.

Note: If you add any non-quiz slides to such a presentation, or if you add more videos to the same presentation; the analytics will be as before (you will get analytics at the granularity of slides, but you won’t see the segment-wise breakup of the videos).

If you don’t want an accompanying quiz, we support an alternate workflow. You can simply enable analytics and publish the video to your computer in Video Creator. As before you will be prompted with a dialog where you can choose to enable analytics, collaboration or both.

It is interesting to note that you can also publish analytics-enabled video modules to Adobe Connect. And yes, video analytics can also be enabled for embedded videos.

For more details on the analytics and collaboration feature in Adobe Presenter, check out this documentation.

Simplified install experience

In this release, we have also simplified the install experience for new users. The new unified installer automatically detects whether the PowerPoint installed on your machine is the 32-bit version or the 64-bit version, and installs the right binaries.

If you are already using a version of Adobe Presenter 8.x or before, you will have to first uninstall it before you use the new unified installer.

If you have already installed Adobe Presenter 9, you can simply update to this release 9.0.2 by clicking on Updates in the Help Menu.

Go ahead, and try the new Adobe Presenter 9. Free trials can be downloaded here


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