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Genius Project is organizing a live webinar about project management

Genius Project is organizing a live webinar about project management and the implementation of standardized processes in organizations.

Genius Project’s live webinar, July 5th at 3pm CET / 9am EST


Genius Project is organizing an online conference to explore the solution and to better understand how project and portfolio management software can help you:


  • - Manage the full project cycle and reduce time to market
  • - Maximize your resources and prevent allocation conflicts
  • - Provide a clear and accurate picture of your budget, costs and margins
  • - Streamline the flow of project information and increase productivity among project teams


Operational excellence is a strategic goal of companies to remain competitive in a sustainable way. To do this, we must standardize processes and continue to optimize them to stay productive and promote long-term growth. The process must align with the company as a whole, which proves to a challenge for some multinational organizations spread across the globe. That’s why we must implement practical and valuable mechanisms for all services and departments.


Project management software is central to success. The tools are used across different and dispersed teams, and offer the opportunity to track stages, incidents and successes as a project advances.

Genius Project is a project management solution that adapts to business processes. Organizations can configure validation and approval workflows throughout the project cycle.


Speaker: Maxime Villeger, Solution Specialist at Cerri.com.


Registration here



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