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What’s your 2015 Goal?

Do you have goals?  Have you even thought about it?   Have you set new ones for 2015? These questions may start you thinking about this more seriously.  Howver, the good news is that we all have goals either consciously or sub-consciously. They are based upon our expectations of ourselves, our desires, and the ‘wish to meet’ expectations that others have of us.We all have goals in our personal lives and of course in our professional lives helping us to achieve what we want both for ourselves, our teams and the company we work for. Here at accessplanit we are keen on goals.  As a provider of training management systems to organisations who deliver training, goals form the backbone of our Driving Success programme.  We have a customer success team focused on the identification, agreement, management and achievement of our customers’ goals.  Understanding the needs of our customers businesses and helping them achieve their goals through the optimisation of course management software is our goal and an embedded company objective.  Our relationship with Citizens Advice Service is a great example of a phased approach to goal achievement and an interesting case study if you are considering software.

Goals enable us to clearly understand what each customer is trying to achieve and to ensure we are all on the same page. Our approach to goal management is one of the things that differentiates what our Customer Success team does from the traditional “account management” model.

It sounds simple, and I feel sure that most software companies offer some level of customer support, but customer success and our belief in goal setting help our customers to achieve so much more.  Our customer objectives are recorded with target dates and dependencies and by working on these together we can guarantee results by achieving goal after goal after goal………..

Are goals important to your business?  If reduced admin, automation improved service resonate with you, get in touch.  We would love to hear from you.





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