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ITycom in the EdTech Top 20

ITycom has the honor of being included in the top 20 most innovative e-learning companies in Europe.

What are the EdTech20 ?

EdTech20 sheds light on SaaS mode teaching platforms, “gamification” or game mechanics, and learner analysis for adaptive and entertaining learning, as well as new technological trends in education.

Edxus Groupe and IBIS Capital, the two founding English companies, announced the results of the EdTech ratings at the beginning of June. This list honors the top 20 European companies active in e-Learning for their innovation, their international presence, their impact on the market, and their capital growth over the past year, all determined by a jury of experts.

Innovative training in Europe

Today, players in the long-distance training scene must propose innovative and global solutions that touch on different themes in order to incorporate business needs. To this end, they must develop instructive training modules as well as authoring tools. This demand is linked to the need for simplified access to content, especially due to constraints on place and time.

The growth of the European market has reached 25% over the past few years and now constitutes more than €150 million. Education, the most promising sector for the e-Learning market, has adapted to new technologies with a combination of “traditional” and long-distance training.

The 3 I : ITycom, International and Innovation

ITycom bases its strategy around two fundamental principles:

First, constant innovation with new solutions supported by consistent research and development. In the past, for example, ITycom introduced Mobile Learning software in which the learner can train him or herself at any time and place thanks to online and offline modes in apps available for numerous smartphones and tablets.

Second, international coverage, with an established presence in Switzerland, France, and Russia and various commercial connections, from Benelux and the Maghreb to the Middle East and the Pacific. ITycom has, since its founding, sought out opportunities for collaboration with various partners in order to link different competencies and knowledge in its development strategy.

Who’s ITycom ?

ITycom is expert in Innovative Training and Talent Management.

Based in Geneva, Paris, Annecy and Moscow, they work with national and international companies.

Their solutions is organized into two divisions:

A catalog of training and educational tools – including eLearning and Serious Games – offering independent training modules (distance learning bespoke, adaptable to suit your needs) or integrated into the teaching devices (such as Blended Learning).

They also offer our customers the possibility to create tailor-made learning solutions and educational paths.

A software suite that includes:
• ITyStudio: authoring tool software of multimedia educational content, allowing you to design and perform your own Serious Games and 3D simulations.
• ITyLearning: LMS (Learning Management System) allowing diffusion of educational contents and tools, as well as complete management of the learner’s training and results.
• ITyRH: software of Human Resources driving




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