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Interview (e-learning): Errol Campbell, Instructional Design Consultant

bsoco: Who is Errol Campbell?

Errol Campbell: I am an educator, whose formal education is grounded technical subject of Design and Technology, knowledge received through apprenticeship training. A route as an educator that lead me to champion a Community of Practice theory proposed by; Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger. More commonly Known as Situated Learning theory, and advocates a ‘Blended Learning’ approach to education through the application of technology resources, i.e. E-Learning.

bsoco: Which is the most important aspect of your experience?

Errol Campbell: The most important aspect of my experience is remaining relevant and constantly striving to create the best possible way to support learning beyond designing training. My experience is in giving guidance and support in identifying the best resources, checking their understanding through evaluation and getting feedback on application. An application that builds a personal learning environment, consisting of resources for an individual to support their learning.

bsoco: What do you need to know about your customers to find a suitable solution for them?

Errol Campbell: Organisations arguably need to see a ROI. The solution should enable organisations/individuals/ team members to share best practice and ideas on L&D using suitable electronic platform. The electronic platform should ultimately enable; housing shared documents and allow synchronous conversations. A community of practice would need developers to share code and trouble-shooting issues; consults; share presentation templates and discuss learning strategy with one another. The aim for an organisation is to guide learners to the best learning resources; choosing the correct tools to enable a learning environment for active curation of resources and activities.

bsoco: How do you see the present and future of e-learning market?

Errol Campbell:I can envisage further development in personalised learning environments, with developers creating user friendly tools and resources to enable users to explore and develop knowledge through communities. In short learner generated learning spaces for sharing and producing knowledge.                           Old models of supporting learning in organisations need to be set aside and we need to find modern ways to meet the needs and scaffold learning. Blended learning maybe more suitable; and includes informal learning; social learning, narrating our work, and in the work flow. All of which promotes a learner centred approach and does not necessarily need L&D support, which would arguably put E-Learning instructional designers out of work.

bsoco: Could you tell us more about the future plans in your profession?

Errol Campbell: Being a ‘Blended Learning’ evangelist the plan is to further create blended learning hubs. The hub extends the learning by providing additional links, articles, tools application support materials, feedback, coaching, a place for ongoing discussions. To create spaces for knowledge exchange, in conclusion an environment for user-generated materials.     

bsoco: Thank you for your answers.


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