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Interview (e-learning): Hugues Foltz, President and CEO of Ellicom

bsoco: What is it that makes Ellicom the Canadian leader in e-learning development?

Hugues Foltz: Ellicom is indisputably the Canadian leader in e-learning largely due to its avant-garde vision, its increasingly significant presence on the international market, and the quality of its achievements. Since 2002, Ellicom has developed an enviable expertise in designing, developing and implementing training solutions distinguished by pedagogical ingenuity and visual excellence. Thanks to our team of experts and the wide variety of mandates we have been entrusted with over the years, we are able to provide unique products and services that focus on meeting learning objectives and draw upon best practices in adult learning. Furthermore, our services cover various steps including strategic consulting, pedagogical accompaniment, development of diverse learning strategies and technological deployment.


It must also be mentioned that we are extremely active in the field of training and are constantly seeking to stay on top of everything related to training strategies and new technology. In order to promote the sharing of expertise, we participate in a good number of fairs and trade shows, in addition to hosting our own annual event—the Bootcamp on Training Strategies. This event imagined by Ellicom will be welcoming over 400 professionals this year in search of proven strategies to optimize training performance and skills development within their organization (www.bootcampstrategiesdeformation.com/?lang=en).


bsoco:  How does Ellicom stand out from the competition?

Hugues Foltz: The main factor that comes to mind is our bilingual team of over 100 experienced, talented and passionate experts. We can offer our clients the strongest instructional design team in Canada. Furthermore, unlike most other companies in the industry, Ellicom can rely entirely on its internal resources to carry out each step in the e-learning development process, from design to implementation. In this sense, everyone involved in our projects has been trained in our methods, procedures and high standards of quality, allowing us to develop highly effective and uniform solutions.


In addition, over 21 projects developed by our team have been recognized in both national and international competitions. Indeed, over the years, we have received over 30 awards and titles, which serve as a testament to the quality of our solutions.


bsoco:  What have been your most notable projects in terms of techno-pedagogical challenges?

Hugues Foltz: Over the years, Ellicom has produced more than 450 projects, with a huge range of variations in nature, scope, subject matter and target audience. Not only have these projects allowed us to develop a comprehensive expertise in a variety of fields, but they have also given us the chance to understand the workplace reality of different kinds of clients. While we see all our projects as achievements in themselves, we are especially proud of one we delivered in 2014 for BDC, a major player in the Canadian financial industry. Consisting in several hundred hours of both classroom and online training, this project represents the most important mandate entrusted to a Canadian company to develop a custom learning solution. Given the scope of the project, we were faced with a number of challenges pertaining to both content development and project/team management. In the end, these obstacles were met with vigour, and the final product was very favourably received by learners, resulting in an overall satisfaction rate of over 93%.


bsoco: How is Ellicom able to offer such diversified services?


Hugues Foltz: Ellicom is always on the lookout for ways to improve, vary and complete the range of services we offer our clients.  It is with this goal in mind that we created our online boutique, which offers software designed to host and distribute learning solutions.


For this reason, Ellicom has chosen to partner with specialized firms and global leaders in the training industry. This allows us to combine our know-how with the complementary, innovative skills of our partners to help position ourselves as leaders within the industry. To this effect, Ellicom has been the sole distributor of the e-doceo learning suite in Canada since 2006. In addition, we are associated with ENI Group, Speexx and CEGOS, three content development companies that offer “just-in-time” courses notable for their superior quality and efficient pedagogical approach. (http://ellicom.com/boutique/en/)



bsoco: Thank you very much for your answers.



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