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Projects don’t take vacations. But you do!

Projects might not take vacations, but for the most part, project teams agree on taking a summer break. Genius Project offers some tips for going on holidays.

With Genius Project you can quickly check the activities and tasks scheduled during your vacation. The multi-project Gantt chart will be very helpful here. 

When you choose to filter active projects, the task list also appears. You can immediately see if important activities are scheduled or when milestones are validated during your absence. 

With this global vision, you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything.

The project manager substitute functionality allows your colleagues to have temporary access to your projects and events. This feature is very simple to use; you simply register the name of your replacement.

On the collaboration platform Genius Live, you quickly post important information and the names of employees who will replace you during your holidays. This way, your team is aware of your return date, has the contact of your replacements and receives project information.  The information is categorized by project, which facilitates the work of your employees. 

Depending on the structure of your business, you create an unavailability notice in your calendar. A colleague who has forgotten that you are on holidays will see it and cannot assign you an urgent task in your absence.

And next week, you're on vacation!




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