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Easygenerator publishes three major releases per next 12 month

Easygenerator publishes three major releases per year.

Because of our agile development methods, and because easygenerator is a SaaS solution we could update our production servers every two weeks. But we don't. We deploy the latest version on our test and demo servers, allowing customers to experience the updates and give us their opinion. We use customer input and feedback to fine-tune our software.

There is a simple reason why we do this: we have truly great ideas but we don't know everything. That's why we will repeat this release cycle every year. This gives our customers a year to work with each release (for example our workflow, task management and version control) and give us feedback, before we start to improve that functionality. This allows us to continue to improve easygenerator, taking customer wishes and ideas seriously.

Upcoming releases

Easygenerator is currently on Version 8.2 (released in June). In the comingmonths, we plan 2 major releases:

Version 8.3 - New Metaphors (October 2012)

This release will include new learning metaphors. Learning metaphors allow for the design and presentation of e-Learning in a different way to the learner. These new metaphors closely align to the "adaptive" or "individual" learning solutions implemented in Version 8.1. The goal of learning metaphors is to provide more insight to the learner, focusing the learner's attention to those areas of the course where comprehension is low. Learning metaphors give the learner more control of his own learning process. Kasper Spiro published a series of blogson this subject.

9.0 Case based learning (March 2013)

Case based learning is a very powerful form of e-Learning that helps connect learning to the business. In easygenerator, creating cased based e-Learning is already possible; however, this release will be simplifying the creation of the complex navigation structure and feedback. In addition, other functionality will help to make it easier to implement this type of e-Learning.

Another goal for this release is to replace all existing Flash in the standard product (a number of question types) with an HTML version.




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