More than ever, the flipped classroom is revealed today as a real educational revolution in learning. In our previous article, we presented this approach that aims to enrich the appropriation of knowledge and anchoring skills. Discover today how Serious Factory and its authoring tool VTS Editor can strengthen educational devices.

Working the expertise and soft skills through VTS Editor

Today, teachers have all the keys to pass on knowledge to their students: classic courses, interactive exercises, internet, readings, videos, etc. Yet they often look for tools to assist in the acquisition of skills. For that, no secret: regular practice through realistic situations is the best means of achieving this. In this sense, simulation and role playing games allow to work well the expertise and soft skills.

Today, teachers can already train students on concrete cases through case studies or Business Games: the scenarios apply to a school subject or in a transversal approach. However, today there is no solution enabling them to generate by themselves situations related to their course, or better yet, to make students do exercises on behavioral situations. This is where VTS Editor steps in…

Serious Factory and its authoring software for education

So what can bring Serious Factory and specifically its authoring software to the current educational model? With VTS Editor, teachers can create simple sequences or complete scenarios, taking the major issues of managerial or business training for example. Once students have worked on these scenarios out of class, they can transmit their results to their teacher. Once in class, he will organize workshops or discussion groups to analyze the understanding of each.

Furthermore, VTS Editor can also be used by students in the classroom to implement the knowledge assimilated during class. They then become designers and writers, and must tell a story related to the course. For example, a student learning the sales method S.O.N.C.A.S (method learned in BTS MUC NRC) must return this knowledge by creating a sales scenario. No matter what the customer is buying, it is mainly contextualizing taught concepts that will be important. The teacher can then correct the scenario based on various criteria (relevance, realism…).

First projects to be discovered after the summer…

VTS Editor has already attracted several schools who saw a clever complementary tool to customize and optimize the learning of humanities and social sciences. We will have the opportunity to present them in our upcoming communications.