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Micro-learning: short but effective?

Digital technology has strongly influenced the way we learn and the way we view training. Training is not just on-site training or e-learning, it’s a mix of several different methods. One of the main problems encountered by learners during their training is the length, whether it be a 1-day on-site training session or a “classic” e-learning module, the learner only remembers half of the things he or she learned. The solution: mix these methods with micro-learning. Alright, but what is micro-learning? Is it really effective? How does it work?

So what exactly is “micro-learning”?

Like businesses, the common man is also making the switch towards digital technology. The number of social network, smart phone and tablet computer users is endless. In our society today, no one can escape this digital revolution which induces new behaviors. For example, a tweet is 140 characters used to convey information to the reader. It is short, precise, quick and the message is passed on. Micro-learning can be described in the same way. It focuses on transmitting knowledge in short micro-learning sequences based on multimedia tools that the learner uses on a daily basis. These quick training modules are fun, flexible, easy to use and appeal to a broad spectrum of users.

The shortened format of this type of training increases the involvement and motivation of learners, who quickly assimilate the information provided: no useless text or details that will lose the learner’s concentration, it focuses on what is essential so that the learner understands and retains the heart of the message.  Micro-learning is a big hit with learners, but can we train only with this method? The answer is obviously no. On-site training and human contact will always be more suitable in some situations, just as e-learning will be for others. The rhythm is set by multimodality, which is what keeps the learner’s attention throughout the training sessions. 

Micro-learning by video

Although a majority of HR Directors and Training Managers have already tested and approved digital training solutions for their employees, they are sometimes wary about the effectiveness of these short training sessions. Yet, who has never watched a tutorial on YouTube to learn how to do something in Excel, Word or other popular software program? Videos are often the fastest way to find a solution to an immediate need.

Responding to the problem of a hectic schedule, a short training video seems to be the perfect solution. If training departments want to attract and keep the talented people of their teams, they must adapt to their habits and needs. With over 300 hours of videos uploaded to YouTube every minute and one billion users on the network, we can say that videos are on a roll! Internet users simply prefer videos to other types of media and training must learn to adapt. Not all videos are informative because they do not meet educational requirements.

Almost everyone today has the ability to create a video and post it online. However, one single tool that allows us to make a video with a scenario, template, script and images is less common. It is often necessary to use several software programs to make one micro-learning training session. It is not about making video tutorials but rather training paths that are enriched with educational anchoring points. 

SkillCatch is that tool. It allows you to detect a skill, capture it immediately, easily and quickly using a smart phone and in addition, it’s free. To learn more about this application and download it to your phone, click here.




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