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5 Resources to Turn Your Emails Into Conversion Machines This Fall

Leaves may be turning red and orange, but we’ve found great resources to transform your emails into conversion machines that’ll bring in the green! Yes, that’s right – fall is officially here and September is over, which means it’s time to reveal our top email marketing selections for the month.

Grab a pumpkin latte and a warm apple muffin (we’ll wait!) — then settle in for some great email marketing advice.

Think Email is Dying? Get Real. You Just Need a Better Strategy

In an article for Entrepreneur Peter Gasca reveals data from a recent national study of white-collar workers about how integral email is to their daily lives. We always knew email marketing was an effective channel, but this information sheds light on just how powerful it really is! He shares the following important facts:

  • 70% check email while watching TV
  • 50% check email in bed
  • 50% check email on vacation
  • 42% check email in the bathroom
  • 43% check email while on the phone
  • 18% check email while driving
  • On average, respondents spend six hours/day checking email

But Gasca doesn’t just emphasize the importance of email marketing, he also provides advice on how to get the most out of your email campaigns. For those highlights, check out the full article or explore Entrepreneur‘s online marketing blog channel.

Peter Gasca is an entrepreneur in his own right as well as a startup consultant and author. Additionally, he contributes to Coastal Carolina University as the director of their Community and Business Engagement Institute.

Email Marketing Best Practices for Lead Generation

Need to grow revenue? Brian Sutter provides tips on how to foster lead generation for that very purpose. He explains the importance of lead generation and why email marketing is such a great lead gen tactic:
“When we surveyed small business owners earlier this year, 45% of them said their biggest challenge is growing revenue; the very thing lead generation is for. While everybody wants more leads, getting them is another matter. Lead generation is an entire specialty unto itself. There are plenty of ways to go about it. Some are more successful than others and some are definitely more expensive. Most experienced salesmen like the proven ways. The lead generation tactics that don’t cost an arm and a leg don’t require a degree and don’t need a staff of ten. Like humble, boring, effective old email.”

So what kinds of tips does Sutter have to boost lead generation through your emails? His sage advice includes the following pointers:

  1. Provide high-value content in your email newsletters
  2. Use trigger emails across your marketing efforts
  3. Segment subscribers for better targeting
  4. Provide exclusive gated content in exchange for an email address
  5. Make emails easy to share

Brian Sutter is the Director of Marketing at Wasp Barcode Technologies and occasionally writes for Duct Tape Marketing. For more insightful tips on email marketing, visit the Duct Tape Marketing Blog.

Avoiding Gmail’s New Block Button

Did you know that it may become more difficult to reach Gmail users? That’s right. This month Google rolled out a new “block” button for Gmail users to allow greater control over the correspondence that they receive. Jess Nelson tells us what this means for email marketers:
“Previously, Gmail users could mark unwanted emails as spam and, after enough repeated spamming, Google would effectively block the sender. [This] new sweeping sayonara button, however, is a new feature that makes it far easier for consumers to succinctly block a brand’s email marketing.”

So how can you avoid being blocked by Gmail users? Nelson gives us these tips to make your emails a little more block-proof:

  1. Provide clear and concise messaging
  2. Only email people that have requested communications
  3. Make unsubscribing easy so uninterested recipients have a way to opt-out
  4. Avoid emailing subscribers too often to protect your reputation
  5. Analyze email results to hone future efforts

Jess Nelson is a freelance writer for MediaPost that specializes in email marketing topics. For an even wider range of email topics, follow MediaPost’s twitter account.

5 Email Marketing Tips to Drive Holiday Marketing Profits

John Hayes reminds us that the holiday shopping season is right. around. the. corner. And that businesses should be planning their holiday strategy now. He tells readers:
“Email marketing is huge driver of revenues during the holiday season, responsible for 16% of all online sales… that’s 1% higher than paid search and a lot more cost effective.

Hayes advises doing the following things to prepare for the holidays:

  1. Build email campaigns around the holiday calendar starting with Halloween
  2. Segment your email list by purchase history and engagement
  3. Increase your sending frequency
  4. Add new subscribers quickly and start emailing them right away
  5. Don’t forget about January

John Hayes has extensive online marketing and ecommerce experience with some of the biggest tech brands in the industry. He is also the author of numerous blogs and several top-selling books, as well as a renowned public speaker. Visit Business2Community for more email marketing tips.

5 Tips to Succeed with Mobile Email Marketing

Mobile marketing is the hottest trend in marketing right now across the board, and that includes email! Phil Frost points out how the rise of smartphone usage is changing email marketing:
“Of adults who are online, 72% send or receive at least one email per week by smartphone. Therefore, to succeed with email marketing, it is necessary to understand how mobile device users’ needs differ from those who open an email on a traditional computer.”

So how does mobile email viewing and interaction differ from desktops and laptops? Frost makes the following points:

  1. Mobile screens are smaller, which can cause busy email layouts to look muddled and be difficult to read
  2. Mobile users are used to tapping and swiping so mobile email design has to be geared towards these elements
  3. Attention spans are even shorter on mobile devices so design and messaging should be simple and snappy
  4. Stay away from elements that don’t play with mobile devices (like Flash and tables)
  5. Responsive design should be used to create a seamless brand experience across multiple devices

Phil frost is the COO of a NYC based digital marketing agency, Main Street ROI. He publishes his blog posts across various platforms and is responsible for Main Street ROI’s paid marketing training programs. For more content of this nature, you can follow Frost on Twitter or subscribe to Web Marketing Today’s weekly email.

With tips to polish your emails for lead gen and sales success, you’re ready to take on another season of effective marketing. But don’t delay, because the days aren’t the only things getting shorter!

Whether your aim is to improve your mobile efforts or cash in on the holiday shopping rush, use these resources to develop an email conversion strategy that you’ll love more than a warm pair of knit mittens!

Happy Sending!



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